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11 Tips for a Fantastic Picnic with Your Dog

by Franck Jehanne

Imagine a sunny afternoon, a basket filled with delicious treats, a lush green park, and the wagging tail of your loyal companion. Picnics are not just a delightful way to enjoy the outdoors; they're a fantastic opportunity to create lasting memories with our four-legged friends. However, turning this picture-perfect scenario into reality requires a bit more than just a blanket and a good spot. When it comes to picnicking with your dog, preparation and mindfulness are key to ensuring that both you and your furry pal have a safe and enjoyable time.

Why settle for the usual walk around the block when you can embark on a picnic adventure that tickles the senses and strengthens the bond between you and your dog? From sniffing out the best location to packing the right treats, each step is an integral part of the journey. In this guide, we'll walk you through 11 essential tips for a flawless picnic with your dog. So, grab your leash, pack your basket, and let's dive into the world of picnicking with our canine companions!

couple and dog on picnic

Choosing the Right Location: Setting the Stage for Fun

When it comes to a picnic with your dog, the magic often lies in finding that perfect spot. Start by ensuring the area allows dogs. A simple online check or a phone call can clarify this and save you from any potential setbacks.

The space itself matters greatly. It should be roomy enough for your dog to roam and play, with a balance of sunny patches for basking and shady spots for cooling down. If your dog loves making new friends, a popular dog-friendly park might be ideal. On the other hand, for dogs who prefer a quiet environment, a more secluded area might be best.

Safety is paramount. Be mindful of the surroundings - busy roads, unguarded water bodies, or areas with wildlife can pose risks. The terrain should also be suitable for your dog's size and age to prevent any undue strain.

Checking the Weather Forecast

A key aspect of planning your dog-friendly picnic is considering the weather. Sunny days are ideal for picnics, but remember that what feels comfortable for you might be too hot for your dog. Dogs can overheat quickly, so if the day promises to be particularly warm, aim for a cooler time like early morning or late afternoon.

Conversely, if the weather is on the cooler side, this might be perfect for your furry friend, especially if they have a thick coat. However, for smaller or short-haired breeds, a little extra warmth might be needed. A doggy sweater or a cosy blanket can make all the difference.

Rain doesn't have to be a deal-breaker. Some dogs love playing in light rain, but always be prepared. A raincoat for your dog and a waterproof blanket can turn what could have been a damp experience into an exciting adventure.

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Packing a Dog-Friendly Picnic Basket

While preparing your picnic basket, think about incorporating some dog-friendly snacks. Options like small pieces of cooked chicken, slices of apple (without the seeds), or some plain boiled pumpkin can be delightful treats for your dog. It's important to avoid foods that are harmful to dogs, such as chocolate, grapes, onions, or anything with xylitol, a common sweetener.

While planning the picnic menu, also consider the duration of your outing and the size of your dog. Larger dogs or extended stays might require more food and water. It’s all about balancing taste and health to ensure your dog not only enjoys the picnic but also remains safe and healthy.

Hydration is Key

One of the most crucial aspects of any outdoor activity with your dog, especially a picnic, is ensuring they stay well-hydrated. Dogs may not always recognise the early signs of dehydration, so it's up to you to make water readily available throughout your picnic adventure.

Always have a sufficient supply of fresh, clean water for your dog. Consider the environment of your picnic spot; if there aren't any natural, safe water sources nearby, you'll need to bring enough water to last the entire outing. 

Beyond just having water available, encourage your dog to drink regularly. Dogs engrossed in play or exploration might forget to stop for water, so offering them frequent hydration breaks is a good practice. In doing so, you help prevent overheating and dehydration, ensuring that the fun doesn't get interrupted by health concerns.

dog drinking during picnic

Comfortable and Safe Resting Spot

Just as we enjoy lounging on a soft blanket under the shade, our canine companions also appreciate a cosy spot to relax, especially after a round of play or during the warmer parts of the day.

When selecting a blanket or mat for your dog, consider the ground conditions of your chosen picnic spot. A blanket that provides cushioning can make a significant difference, particularly on harder surfaces. If the ground is damp or if you're picnicking near water, a waterproof mat can keep your dog dry and comfortable.

Check our waterproof picnic blankets here

Shade is another critical factor for your dog’s resting area. Dogs can be sensitive to heat, and direct sunlight can quickly lead to overheating. If natural shade isn’t available, creating a makeshift shaded area with a lightweight, portable canopy or umbrella can provide the necessary protection from the sun.

Ensuring Proper Identification

Even the most well-behaved dogs can get distracted in a new environment and may wander off. Having the right identification on your dog provides peace of mind and increases the chances of a quick reunion if they do get lost.

Most dog owners are familiar with the importance of a collar and ID tag. These should include your current contact information, making it easy for anyone who finds your dog to contact you. However, outdoor adventures like picnics often call for an extra layer of safety. 

Consider adding a temporary tag with information specific to your outing, such as the picnic location and a cell phone number. This immediate point of contact can be invaluable if your dog wanders off in the park.

Leash and Harness

A picnic in the park brings with it a myriad of sights, sounds, and smells that can be incredibly exciting, and sometimes overwhelming, for a dog. A sturdy and comfortable leash and harness provide you with control over your dog's movements, ensuring they stay safe while exploring.

Choosing a harness that fits your dog well is important. It should be snug enough so that your dog can't wriggle out of it, but not so tight as to be uncomfortable. A good harness distributes pressure more evenly than a collar, which is especially beneficial for dogs that tend to pull or lunge.

The type of leash you choose also plays a significant role. A standard fixed-length leash offers greater control in most situations, which is particularly useful in a picnic environment where there might be other people, dogs, or wildlife. While retractable leashes offer more freedom for your dog to explore, they can sometimes make it difficult to quickly pull your dog back in case of an unexpected situation.

Toys and Distractions: Keeping Your Dog Engaged and Happy

Just as we might bring a book or a game to enjoy at the picnic, bringing along your dog's favourite toys can significantly enhance their experience. The right toys not only provide amusement but also help in managing your dog’s energy levels an keeping them focused in an environment that might be filled with distractions.

A frisbee or a ball can be great for active play and exercise, especially in open areas where you have space to throw and fetch. If your dog enjoys more mentally stimulating activities, consider puzzle toys that can be filled with treats. These can keep them occupied and satisfied, especially during times when you need them to be calm and settled.

Our picnic cooler bags can hold everything you need

The presence of familiar toys can also offer a sense of comfort and normalcy for your dog in the new surroundings of a picnic spot. It's a reminder of home and routine, which can be reassuring for pets in unfamiliar settings.

Managing Pet Waste

Being prepared to clean up after your dog is not only a sign of good manners but also an important environmental responsibility. No one enjoys a picnic in a place littered with waste, and it's vital to keep our shared outdoor spaces clean and enjoyable for everyone.

Bringing along sufficient waste bags is a must. You might find it helpful to attach a roll of biodegradable bags to your dog’s leash for convenience. This way, you're always prepared, even if your dog surprises you. Once used, these bags can typically be disposed of in designated pet waste bins, which are commonly found in public parks and picnic areas. If such facilities aren't available, be prepared to carry the waste until you find an appropriate place to dispose of it.

Preparing for Pests

When enjoying the outdoors with your dog, it's important to consider the presence of pests such as fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes, which can be more than just a nuisance. These pests can pose health risks to your dog, potentially transmitting diseases. 

checking dog for pests

Before heading out, it's a good idea to ensure that your dog is up-to-date with their flea and tick prevention treatments. These treatments come in various forms, such as topical solutions, collars, or oral medications. Your veterinarian can recommend the best option for your dog based on their health, lifestyle, and the likelihood of pest exposure.

In addition to preventative treatments, consider bringing along a pet-safe insect repellent for additional protection, especially if you plan to picnic in an area known for high insect activity. Be cautious when selecting a repellent, as some products that are safe for humans can be harmful to dogs. 

Post-Picnic Health Check

After a delightful day out, a post-picnic health check for your dog is a prudent step to ensure their continued well-being. Spending time outdoors, especially in grassy or wooded areas, can expose your dog to various elements that might affect their health. 

Start by gently examining your dog for any signs of physical distress. Look for scratches, cuts, or ticks, especially in areas where they might not be immediately visible, such as under the fur, around the ears, and between the toes. If your dog has long hair, you might need to part their fur to get a good look at the skin underneath.

Pay attention to any signs of discomfort your dog may exhibit. Limping, excessive scratching, or unusual whining can indicate something isn't quite right. These signs might not always be immediate, so keep an eye on your dog for a day or two after the picnic.

Don't forget to check their paws. The pads on your dog’s feet are susceptible to cuts or injuries from rough terrain or hot surfaces. Ensure there's nothing stuck between their toes, such as small stones, thorns, or burrs.


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About the Author

Franck Jehanne is the co-founder of British lifestyle brand, Heating & Plumbing London. After 10 years working for Cartier and other luxury brands from the Richemont group, he started his entrepreneurial journey in 2011, leading to the creation of the brand in 2017.

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