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Recycled Cotton Blankets - Stylish Green Gifts

by Franck Jehanne

In an era where the call for sustainability echoes louder with each passing day, our choices in home furnishings speak volumes about our commitment to the planet. Amidst this green revolution, one product stands out for its blend of comfort, style, and environmental responsibility: the recycled cotton blanket. As a conscious consumer, you’re not just choosing a cosy addition to your home; you’re embracing a philosophy that values our planet’s resources.

At Heating & Plumbing London, we've crafted a range of recycled cotton blankets designed not just for warmth and softness but with a deep-rooted respect for our environment. Our sustainable blankets, woven in the heart of the UK, are a testament to how eco-friendly products can also be luxurious and stylish. Made with 100% recycled materials, comprising 75% cotton and 25% mixed fibres, these blankets are more than just a home accessory; they're a choice for a better world.

blue and white recycled cotton blanket

Inspired by the rich tapestry of experiences, from trips to ancient ruins to the cultural treasures of London’s museums to the serene British countryside, each blanket in our collection tells a unique story. Not just a product, but a journey of inspiration, sustainability, and craftsmanship, ready to become part of your home’s narrative.

Join us as we explore the world of recycled cotton blankets. Whether you're looking to make an eco-friendly switch in your home, seeking the perfect blend of comfort and sustainability, or simply curious about the journey of these exquisite pieces, this guide is your comprehensive resource.

What is Recycled Cotton?

Recycled cotton is derived from cotton fabric scraps and used garments, which are reprocessed to create new cotton fibre. This process breathes new life into what would otherwise be textile waste, significantly reducing the environmental impact associated with virgin cotton production.

The Difference from Traditional Cotton

Unlike traditional cotton, which requires significant amounts of water and pesticides for cultivation, recycled cotton utilises pre-existing cotton materials. This not only conserves water and reduces chemical use but also diminishes the carbon footprint associated with raw cotton processing and transportation.

The Recycling Process

The journey of transforming used cotton into a cosy blanket is both fascinating and intricate. It begins with the collection of cotton waste, which is then sorted by type and colour. The sorted cotton is cleaned and broken down into fibres, which are subsequently spun into new yarns. These yarns are then woven or knitted into fabrics, ready to be crafted into soft, durable blankets.

This process showcases a circular economy in action – one where waste is minimised, and materials are kept in use for as long as possible. By choosing recycled cotton, you’re not just investing in a product; you’re contributing to a sustainable cycle that benefits the planet.

The Journey of a Recycled Cotton Blanket

Every recycled cotton blanket has a story, a journey from being mere fabric scraps to becoming a cherished part of your home. (1) Understanding this journey not only allows us to appreciate the blanket's value but also highlights the meticulous process behind its creation.

The Beginning: Collecting and Sorting Fabric Waste

The journey begins with the collection of cotton fabric waste. This waste comes from various sources, including post-industrial waste (leftover from the manufacturing process) and post-consumer waste (like used clothing). The collected fabric is then meticulously sorted by type and colour. This sorting process is crucial as it determines the quality and texture of the recycled cotton.

Processing the Cotton Waste

Once sorted, the fabric undergoes a cleaning process to remove impurities and is then shredded into fibres. These fibres are blended, often combining the recycled cotton with other fibres to add strength and durability. At Heating & Plumbing London, we blend 75% cotton with 25% mixed fibres, ensuring both quality and sustainability.

Spinning New Yarn

The next step is spinning these fibres into yarn. This is where the magic happens, as these reclaimed fibres are transformed into high-quality yarn, ready to be woven into fabric. This process is a delicate balance of maintaining the integrity of the fibres while ensuring they are strong enough for weaving.

green cotton blanket on a chair

Weaving and Finishing

The yarn is then woven into fabric. This fabric is what makes each blanket unique, influenced by the original hues of the recycled materials, resulting in a rich, one-of-a-kind texture. After weaving, the fabric undergoes finishing processes, which may include washing, dyeing, and softening, to ensure that the final product is not just sustainable but also luxurious and comfortable.

The Final Touch: Design and Quality Assurance

In our London studio, each blanket is designed with an eye for detail, drawing inspiration from our vast array of experiences and the world's rich cultural heritage. Quality assurance is key, as each blanket is inspected for excellence in craftsmanship and durability. Finally, it is packaged in its unique storage bag, symbolising our commitment to quality and sustainability.

Benefits of Choosing Recycled Cotton Blankets

Opting for a recycled cotton blanket is not just about acquiring a piece of home decor; it's about making a statement for the environment and your own wellbeing. Let's explore the multifaceted benefits of choosing recycled cotton blankets, particularly those crafted by Heating & Plumbing London.

Environmental Benefits: A Sustainable Choice

  • Reduced Resource Consumption: Recycled cotton uses significantly less water and energy compared to virgin cotton. By repurposing existing materials, the demand for new cotton cultivation is reduced, thereby conserving vital natural resources.
  • Lower Carbon Footprint: The process of recycling cotton generates fewer greenhouse gases than producing new cotton. This helps in mitigating climate change and reducing the overall environmental impact.
  • Waste Reduction: Utilising pre-existing cotton reduces the amount of textile waste that ends up in landfills. It's a step towards a more circular economy where waste is minimised and resources are efficiently used.

Health and Safety Benefits

  • Non-Toxic: Recycled cotton blankets, free from harmful chemicals and pesticides, offer a safer option for your home. This is especially important for those with sensitive skin or allergies.
  • Natural Comfort: The natural fibres in these blankets ensure breatheability and comfort, making them suitable for use in all seasons.

Economic Benefits: Supporting Sustainable Practices

  • Encouraging Green Industry: By choosing recycled products, you support industries that prioritise sustainability, thereby influencing market trends towards more eco-friendly practices.
  • Durability and Longevity: Recycled cotton blankets are not just environmentally friendly but also durable. This means less frequent replacements, offering better value for your money in the long run.

Aesthetic and Practical Benefits

  • Unique Designs: Each recycled cotton blanket from Heating & Plumbing London is unique, influenced by the hues of the recycled materials and the brand's diverse inspirations, from global travels to cultural experiences.
  • Versatility: These blankets serve multiple purposes - from being a cosy companion during chilly nights to adding an aesthetic touch to your living space.

In essence, choosing a recycled cotton blanket is a multifaceted decision that benefits the planet, your health, and your home. Heating & Plumbing London’s blankets not only embody these benefits but also add a touch of elegance and worldly charm to your living space.

Styling with Recycled Cotton Blankets

These blankets are not just functional; they're a style statement. With their unique textures and patterns, they can transform any space, adding warmth and character. Here’s how you can stylishly incorporate recycled cotton blankets into your home.

Cosy Living Rooms

  • Draping Over Sofas: A recycled cotton blanket can be artfully draped over a sofa or an armchair, adding a cosy touch to your living room. Choose colours that complement your sofa fabric for a harmonious look.
  • Accent for Neutral Decor: If your living space features neutral tones, a brightly coloured or patterned blanket can serve as a vibrant accent piece.
cosy recycled cotton blanket

Bedrooms: Comfort and Elegance

  • Layering on Beds: Add an extra layer of warmth and texture to your bed by folding a recycled cotton blanket at the foot. This not only serves a practical purpose but also enhances the room's aesthetic appeal.
  • Mix and Match: Don't be afraid to mix patterns and textures. A recycled cotton blanket can beautifully contrast with your bedding, creating an inviting and dynamic look.

Outdoor Use: Versatility at Its Best

  • Picnics and Outdoor Gatherings: These blankets are not just confined to indoor use. Take them along for picnics or beach outings. Their durability makes them suitable for outdoor activities.
  • Balcony or Patio Decor: Add a cosy element to your balcony seating or patio with a recycled cotton blanket. It's perfect for chilly evenings spent outdoors.

Seasonal Decor

  • Adapting to Seasons: With the change of seasons, your decor can also transition. Use lighter, brighter-coloured blankets for spring and summer, and switch to warmer, darker tones in autumn and winter.
  • Holiday Decorating: During festive seasons, themed blankets can add a celebratory touch to your home decor.

Creative Uses: Beyond the Obvious

  • Wall Hangings: Consider using a recycled cotton blanket as a wall hanging for an unconventional and eye-catching decor piece.
  • Furniture Update: Temporarily cover a small piece of furniture, like an ottoman or a bench, with a blanket for an instant refresh.

Incorporating recycled cotton blankets into your home decor is not just about adding layers of warmth; it's about infusing personality, style, and a conscious choice for sustainability into your living space. Heating & Plumbing London's blankets, with their unique designs and sustainable ethos, offer endless possibilities to enhance your home’s aesthetic.

Caring for Your Recycled Cotton Blanket

To ensure that your blanket remains a cosy and vibrant part of your home for years to come, proper care and maintenance are essential. Here are some tips to help you keep your blanket in pristine condition.

Pay Attention to the Care Label

  • Read the Instructions: Always start by reading the care label. This will provide specific guidelines on how to wash, dry, and handle your blanket.
  • Material Composition: Remember, Heating & Plumbing London's blankets are made of 75% cotton and 25% mixed recycled fibres, which may influence the care process.

Washing and Cleaning

  • Machine Washable: Most recycled cotton blankets are machine washable, making them easy to maintain. Use a gentle cycle with cold water to prevent shrinkage and preserve the fabric's integrity.
  • Mild Detergents: Opt for mild, eco-friendly detergents. Harsh chemicals can damage the fibres and fade the colours over time.
  • Spot Cleaning: For small stains, spot cleaning can be an effective method. Use a soft cloth and a mild cleaning solution, dabbing gently at the stain.

Drying and Storage

  • Air Drying: If possible, air dry your blanket to maintain its shape and texture. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can cause colours to fade.
  • Avoid High Heat: If using a dryer, choose a low heat setting. High heat can cause the fibres to break down, reducing the blanket's lifespan.
  • Proper Storage: When not in use, store your blanket in a cool, dry place. The unique storage bag provided by Heating & Plumbing London is ideal for keeping your blanket clean and protected.

General Care Tips

  • Regular Shaking: Periodically shake out your blanket to remove dust and refresh the fibres.
  • Avoid Bleach and Fabric Softeners: Bleach can weaken fibres and fabric softeners can leave a residue, reducing the blanket’s breatheability.
  • Professional Cleaning: For a thorough clean or for larger blankets, consider professional cleaning services.

By following these care instructions, you can enjoy the comfort and warmth of your recycled cotton blanket for a long time, making it a sustainable and cherished addition to your home.


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About the Author

Franck Jehanne is the co-founder of British lifestyle brand, Heating & Plumbing London. After 10 years working for Cartier and other luxury brands from the Richemont group, he started his entrepreneurial journey in 2011, leading to the creation of the brand in 2017.

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