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The Tool Kit Journal

We are part of Selfridges' Project Earth!

by Franck Jehanne

We are very excited to be part of Selfridges' Project Earth.

Project Earth is Selfridge's bold sustainability strategy, setting out a vision to reinvent retail and change the way we all shop by 2025. Built on three themes – transitioning to more sustainable materials, exploring new business models, and challenging mindsets. 

This project meets our goals of being a modern and playful British luxury brand creating well-made accessories locally with the planet in mind. 

Let's do things differently!


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About the Author

Franck Jehanne is the co-founder of British lifestyle brand, Heating & Plumbing London. After 10 years working for Cartier and other luxury brands from the Richemont group, he started his entrepreneurial journey in 2011, leading to the creation of the brand in 2017.

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